Appropriate age range/grade level for the unit: Grade: 4 The instructional objectives/goals of each lesson: Students will understand how a lock works. Students will know how many locks are in the Erie Canal Students will be able to record what they learned from the canal trip on to their KWL sheets Students will be able to incorporate everything they learned about the Erie Canal into a collage Students will be able to explain their collage with a group of students Essential Question(s) this lesson addresses: How do the locks work on the Erie Canal? How many locks are on the Erie Canal? How did it feel going through a lock? What did I learn from this unit? How can I incorporate what I learned about the Erie Canal into my collage? How should I talk about my collage with my group? The NCSS or NY State standards each lesson addresses: C&I New York State Standards Standard 1 History of the United States and New York use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York. The NCSS Standards Standard 3. PEOPLE, PLACES, AND ENVIRONMENTS Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of people, places, and environments. Materials/Resources needed for each lesson: - folder - Who, What, When, Where, and How On the Erie Canal worksheet - Reflection Worksheet from Lake Erie In Action - Low Bridge Web Worksheet - KWL worksheet - clipboard - Pictures took from trip - tape - stickers - glitter - markers - construction paper - scissors - pencil Detailed description of the activities students will engage in for each lesson: Activate Student Prior Knowledge: Teacher: Please take out your KWL worksheet and your pictures from your trip from your folder from last class when we went on a class trip. Student: (Student takes out material asked) Teacher: Now look at the pictures you have taken about what you have learned on the trip and write down what you have learned on this trip at the What you have learned section of your KWL worksheet. Student: (Students take out KWL worksheet and start writing a few points down) Introduction: Teacher: Ok class before we will get into small groups to work on you collages I was wondering how did you feel when you went through a lock and why? Student: (Students share what they felt when they went through locks and why.) Teacher: I was also wondering if you all would like to see how a canal lock works since we did go through a few of them. Student: yes! Teacher: Ok let's watch a short video on how a lock lets water in and out. (see video on the bottom also explain to students with animation from above) 1. The canal boat approaches the lock 2. The downstream left lock gate open 3. The boat is towed into the lock 4. Downstream gate is closed 5. The mules continue to move ahead 6. The boat continues to drift into the lock 7. Water level rises up in the locks 8. The water level tops out Open upstream lock gates 9. The line reattached to the mules 10. The downstream left lock gate is opened During the Lesson: Teacher: Now You can get to your assign groups of 4 and work on your own collages. Your collage is required to have at least three Pictures you took and ate least one fact you have learned from each of your worksheets try to be creative and have your own point of view to it. Student: ( Students go to their groups of four and work on collage together. ) Teacher: (I would put on the Low Bridge song while students worked) End of Lesson Teacher: I see that all of you have finished your collages. I would like you in groups of four take turns sharing what you did in your collage and what you learned about Lake Erie. You may start now. Student: (Students take turns sharing their projects in groups of four to one another) Teacher: (I would go around the class and observe how the students are explaining their work to one another) Pleas put all your worksheets and left over photos inside your red folder and hand it in to me at the end of class. Please also tack your collages onto the boards for display so everyone can see what you learned and your hard work. Assessment: (See Assessment Page Under Overview Tab For Detail About Assessment) *What is my assessment for this lesson? - Actively participating during class and engaging in content being taught and learned in the lesson. - Students will listen and watch how canal locks work - Students will actively share and explain their collage about the Erie Canal with group - Worksheet "Finish the KWL Worksheet L part of the worksheet" _______out of 10 Points Summative Assessment: "The Erie Canal Collage" - Did the student use at least one fact from each worksheet? - Did the student use at least three pictures taken on the Erie Canal trip? - Did the student use their creativity in their collage? _______out of 10 Points
Total Points in lesson earned: _______out of 20 Points